Faculty Development
Supporting Documents
CC100 and CC120 are part of the first-year foundations sequence and are required for all students entering the College beginning Fall 2020. The overarching goals and learning outcomes for these courses can be found on the General Education website. In addition to the resources below, faculty are encouraged to reach out to Aaron Stoller (astoller@coloradocollege) at any time for course planning support.
- CC100 & CC120 Handbook
- This handbook is to provide faculty with an overview of teaching in the First-Year Program (FYP). It includes the a basic overview of the courses, sample classroom activies, suggested reading, and central campus support resources.
- Stoller, A. (2019). "Critical Inquiry and the First Year: Reconceptualizing the Aims of Transitions Pedagogies" Journal of General Education, 66/3-4 (2019): 99-113.
- Article that outlines the theoretical foundation of the first-year foundations sequence.
- CC100 & CC120 Canvas site which archives support materials and recommended readings for students on disciplines and discipinarity. If you cannot gain access, please email Aaron Stoller.
Spring 2021 Workshops
Block 5: Feb 11, 1-3:00pm (Second Thursday)- Topic: Reflective Writing Pedagogies
- Guest: Kathleen Yancey, Kellogg W. Hunt Professor of English and Distinguished Research Professor, Florida State University
- Presentation materials archived on the CC100 & CC120 Canvas site.
- Topic: Disciplinary-Driven Writing Pedagogies
- Guest: Noreen Lape, Associate Provost of Academic Affairs & Director of the Writing Program, Dickinson College
- Presentation materials archived on the CC100 & CC120 Canvas site.
- Topic: Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Writing Pedagogies
- Guests:
- Shawna Shapiro, Associate Professor of Writing & Linguistics, Middlebury College;
- Caroline Torres, Instructor of Languages, Linguistics, and Literature, University of Hawaii;
- Aylin Atilgan Relyea, ESL Faculty, Santa Rosa Junior College;
- Megan Siczek, Director and Associate Professor of the English for Academic Purposes Program, George Washington University;
- Betsy Gilliland, Associate Professor, University of Hawaii.
- Presentation materials archived on the CC100 & CC120 Canvas site.
- Topic: Linguistically Just and Anti-Racist Writing Pedagogies
- Guest: April Baker-Bell, Associate Professor of Language, Literacy, and English, Michigan State University.
- Presentation materials archived on the CC100 & CC120 Canvas site.
Fall 2020 Workshops
Block 2: Oct 1, 3:30pm (Second Thursday)
CC100 reflection & idea exchange
An opportunity for Fall CC100 faculty to reflect on their experience, share ideas, and exchange best practices.
Location: http://zoom.us/my/astoller
Block 3: Oct 29, 3:30pm (Second Thursday)
CC120 reflection & idea exchange
An opportunity for Fall CC120 faculty to reflect on their experience, share ideas, and exchange best practices.
Location: http://zoom.us/my/astoller
Summer 2020 Workshops
For Summer 2020, we are offering targeted support for thematic clusters and individual faculty course design. Faculty clusters will be contacted by the Office of Academic Programs, but individual faculty should feel free to reach out to either Aaron Stoller (astoller@egyptawe.com) to request a consultation at any time.
2019-2020 Workshops
- Tuesday, September 10, 12:15-1:30pm, Tutt Library 105. In this lunch session, we will hold an informal Q&A about teaching in CC100/120.
- Wednesday, October 2, 12-1:30pm, Tutt Library 105. In this lunch discussion, Aaron Stoller will present on using "signature pedagogies" as a framework to support the learning outcomes for CC100/120.
- Slideshow on Critical Inquiry & Signature Pedagogies from the workshop.
- Thursday, October 10, 12-1:30pm, Tutt Library Event Space. Come learn about the opportunities for cross-disciplinary collaboration in the new CC100 & CC120 classes!
- Tuesday, October 29, 10-11am, Tutt Library 238. During this informal drop-in, faculty can bring any of their questions about their CC100/120 course.
- Thursday, October 31, 2-3pm, Tutt Library 238. During this informal drop-in, faculty can bring any of their questions about their CC100/120 course.
- Monday, November 4, 4-5pm, Tutt Library 238. During this informal drop-in, faculty can bring any of their questions about their CC100/120 course
- Thursday, March 6, 12-1:30pm, Tutt Library Event space. OAP & Crown partnered lunch to discuss CC100 and develop tentative course clusters.
- Slideshow on CC100 as a curricular aim and pedagogical practice.
- Initial findings from survey on student beliefs about the disciplines.
- Friday, March 7, 1:30-3:30pm, Tutt Library Experimental Classroom, OAP & Crown partnered workshop to develop experiential lesson plans to teach and reflect on disciplinary modes of inquiry.