Indonesian Gamelan
Director: Made Lasmawan
Packard 137
(719) 389 - 6811 or (719) 321 - 1591
Rehearsals: Gamelan meets Monday and Wednesday afternoons, 3:30-5:30 p.m., in Packard 8.
Interested in Balinese Dance? You're invited to join the DS229 class, taught by Ni Ketut Marni, which meets on Mondays from 5-6 p.m. in Cossitt South Studio. Contact Mr. Lasmawan for more details.
The Colorado College music department provides instruction in Indonesian performing arts under the direction of the internationally acclaimed Balinese master drummer, I Made Lasmawan. Students have the opportunity to learn to play six different kinds of gamelan: Balinese gamelan angklung, gender wayang, suling gambuh, balaganjur, and joged, as well as Javanese gamelan ageng. The ensemble performs twice each year in Packard recital hall and in other venues both on- and off-campus. The group has performed throughout the Front Range region of Colorado, in Wyoming, and in Bali. Our performances include the Colorado College Balinese Dancers, under the direction of Ni Ketut Marni. The Colorado College dancers are often joined by professional Balinese dancers from across the United States. Our repertory includes both traditional and contemporary Indonesian music and dance. Every other summer, we offer an academic course on the arts and culture of Bali, which is taught in Bali.